About Us

The Power of Advocating Together

Following an April 2023 meeting in Ottawa attended by industry partners, leading academics, pharmacy leaders, public health experts, as well as advocacy and patient groups, there was widespread agreement for new approaches to improving vaccination funding, access, and ultimately uptake among adults in Canada. 

This is why we are thrilled to launch the Adult Vaccine Alliance, or AVA. The solution to improving uptake of adult vaccines requires a collective, coalition-driven effort that also uses sophisticated government relations strategies. 

Our Mission

To bring together a group of immunization experts to advocate for better funding for, increased awareness of, and better access to NACI-recommended adult vaccines in Canada.

Our Membership 

The Adult Vaccine Alliance (AVA) is spearheaded by a range of members that share the same vision focused on new approaches to improving vaccine funding, access, and uptake among adults in Canada. Our members include frontline health care providers, industry partners, academics, pharmacy leaders, public health experts as well as other advocacy organizations and patient groups. Together, we provide expertise and guidance to steer AVA’s efforts and accomplish our goals.

Our Executive Committee

AVA’s Executive Committee are leaders in the vaccination space who lead and implement AVA’s activities and report back to the broader membership on progress and updates.   

Dr. Gregory W. Taylor, BSc, MD, CCFP, FRCPC 

Chair of AVA and
Public Health Specialist

  • Dr. Gregory Taylor is a public health specialist with over two decades experience working for the government of Canada on a variety of national public health issues. 

    Dr. Taylor became the Public Health Agency of Canada's Deputy Chief Public Health Officer in 2012, and Canada's Chief Public Health Officer in 2014. He retired from the public service at the end of 2016. 

Ian Culbert

Executive Director, Canadian Public Health Association

  • Ian Culbert began his career in public health in 1990 when he joined the Canadian Public Health Association. In 2013, he was appointed as CPHA’s Executive Director after having served in a number of different roles within the Association, including director-level positions in communications, business and corporate development, as well as programmatic work in HIV, hepatitis C, sexually-transmitted infections, addictions and social marketing.

    Ian’s commitment to the principles of public health, dedication to CPHA and its constituent communities, and collaborative leadership style are reflected in the progress CPHA continues to make in partnership with key stakeholders, both within Canada and internationally.

Dr. Shelita Dattani, BSc.Phm., Pharm.D.

Senior Vice President of Pharmacy Affairs and Strategic Engagement, Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada

  • Dr. Shelita Dattani is the Senior Vice President of Pharmacy Affairs and Strategic Engagement at the Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada. In this role she leads a team advocating for pharmacy’s evidence based role in delivering accessible, high-quality healthcare and building capacity in public health and primary care.

    Sheli is a dynamic pharmacist and a pharmacy leader with over 20 years’ experience in many sectors of the profession, including community, hospital, academia, industry, group purchasing organizations and pharmacy associations. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy at Northeastern University and her Doctor of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    Sheli maintains a practice in community pharmacy and primary care team based practice. She holds teaching appointments in pharmacy as adjunct faculty at the University of Ottawa, session lecturer at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, and guest lecturer at the University of Waterloo.

    Sheli is a sought after speaker in diverse areas of therapeutics, practice and policy and is passionate about her continued engagement as an advisor, consultant, and educator. Sheli is fueled by and committed to contributing to pharmacy’s growing role as an integral health care partner.

Our Physician Advisors 

Dr. Vivien Brown, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP, NCMP

Family Physician and Author

  • Dr. Vivien Brown is a family physician and author in Toronto. Educated at McGill University, she currently is appointed to the Department of Family & Community Medicine at the University of Toronto, holding the rank of Assistant Professor. An award winner for teaching on many levels, her major interests are in the area of health promotion and prevention for women, and continuing medical education, Adult Immunization and Vaccine Preventable Illness.

    The College of Family Physicians of Ontario named Dr Brown “Physician of the Year for the Region of Toronto”, awarded November 2012. Canada. She is the Past President of the Federation of Medical Women of Canada and is immediate past Vice President for North America for the Medical Women’s International Association. Recently she was named one of Canada’s most influential women by the organization Women of Influence, for her work on advocacy on HPV vaccine for Canadians.

    In March 2017, she was honored to present HPV initiatives in Canada at the UN meetings for the Commission on the Status of Women. In 2018 she was honored with the Media Award from the North American Menopause Society for her work in Women’s Health. She also received the May Cohen Award from the Federation of Medical Women of Canada for her work in Women’s Health.

    Her most recent book, “The New Woman’s Guide to Healthy Aging” was recently published to rave reviews.

Dr. Christine Palmay, MD

Physician, Midtown Health and Wellness Clinic

  • Dr. Christine Palmay graduated from the Western University Schulich School of Medicine in 2006 and completed her residency at the University of Toronto in 2008. She currently manages a busy family medical practice in midtown Toronto. She has been listed in NOW magazine’s Best of List and was honoured by the Federation Medical Women of Canada with their 2016 National Reproductive Health Award.

    Dr. Palmay is a board member on the Canadian Collaborative Research Network. She also serves as a co-editor of a new primary care journal, Primary Care Today. She speaks and writes regularly on topics such as immunization, women’s health and has a passion for public education.

Dr. Marla Shapiro

Self-employed Physician

  • Dr. Shapiro completed medical school at McGill University and trained at the University of Toronto for her Masters of Health Science. She concluded her specialty training in Community Medicine, receiving her Fellowship in Preventive Medicine and Public Health from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. She also holds a Fellowship in Family Medicine and is currently a Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto.

    Dr. Shapiro is the medical expert for CTV and is seen on CTV NewsChannel . She is the author of the bestselling book, Life in the Balance: My Journey with Breast Cancer.

    Dr. Shapiro is a member of several advisory boards, including the Terry Fox Research Institute. She was the President of the North American Menopause Society in 2017 and currently sits on the Board of Trustees of the International Menopause Society.

    In 2015 Dr. Shapiro was named a Member of the Order of Canada for her contributions as a family physician and trusted source of health information. One of this country’s highest civilian honours, the Order of Canada recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community, and service to the nation.

We welcome new members who believe in our shared vision! 

You too can be a part of building the Adult Vaccine Alliance from the ground up! Our goal is to make significant improvement in the access to adult vaccines and improve the health and well-being of Canadians. 

If interested in becoming a member of the Adult Vaccine Alliance, please email us at: info@adultvaccinealliance.ca